Thursday, March 10, 2016

It's Time for the Kids to Speak!

Hello challenge supporters,

It's time for the kids to speak out! Last Tuesday a group of elementary and Jr high kids spoke at the board meeting and it was amazing! The kids did such a great job and got the school board's attention. If your kids would be willing to speak at an upcoming school board meeting please encourage them to do that. Each speaker has 3 minutes to say their testimony. If they are nervous about public speaking they can email their letters to us here and we will compile them with others to give to the school board. The school board listens to students and we want to give them something substantial to read and listen to from students who have taken challenge, from those who chose not to take challenge (and are happy they had the choice), and from those who want to be able to self select challenge when they are old enough. Plopping a big stack of letters on the dais will have an impact and will show the school board exactly who we are fighting for.

Save Our Challenge

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