November 24, 2015 School Board Testimony - Angie Hancock

My name is Angie Hancock and I would like to welcome our 2 new board members. I look forward to working with you and the rest of the school board to make our district one that provides an education for all students that is challenging, equitable and appropriate. 

To recap some of the testimonies provided at recent board meetings, the Save Our Challenge group is composed of concerned parents, citizens and students who believe the current self-select Challenge model offered in our Junior Highs is a vital component that should be retained in the Middle School Grade Reconfiguration. Offering self-select Challenge classes gives students the opportunity to opt-in to faster paced classes with more in-depth concepts and like minded peers in the subjects they choose. Additionally, we believe that giving students the opportunity to opt-out of challenge classes is vital as well. Removing the self select option and forcing all students to take Challenge curriculum would only lead to more stressed out kids and a contentious classroom environment.

The satisfaction survey conducted by the HiCap Parent Advisory Board concluded that expecting teachers to differentiate instruction for many levels of learners from the HiCap-identified to the struggling learner, leads to disappointment and frustration for both the teacher and the students. Allowing motivated students and the HiCap-identified students to self-select faster paced classes reduces the number of ability levels in the classroom making it more feasible for teachers to differentiate instruction.

Additionally, the costs involved to transition to a new Challenge-For-All model would be substantial. As the research shows, differentiation in a heterogeneous classroom requires extensive professional development, new curriculum, cross-discipline collaboration time and extra commitment on the part of teachers and administrators.

The Save Our Challenge group would like to extend an open invitation to any and all board members to discuss ways in which the district can continue to provide self-select Challenge classes in our new Middle Schools while incorporating many of the good ideas presented by the AMLE. Our group has done extensive research and is more than happy to share that with you along with our own ideas on what will make for a successful Middle School model.

In the mean time, I encourage you to visit our website to read past testimonies, dig into the mountain of research, read well over 1000 petition comments from parents and students who feel Challenge has been a success and look at the data that overwhelmingly shows that Challenge has helped to lessen the achievement gap, then make up your own mind about what really is the best model for our kids.

I have 2 children in the district’s HiCap program; neither of which will be affected by the Challenge decision. So, why am I so passionate about Saving the Challenge Program when my family won’t be affected? Because offering self-select Challenge classes in all of our Middle Schools is the right thing to do.

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