March 23, 2016 Academic Subcommittee Meeting Notes

MSGRTF Academic Subcommittee Meeting today was held in the board room. Visitor seating was at least 20 feet away from all tables making it impossible to hear anything being said in table groups. When groups came back together into the large table we could then hear what was occurring in the meeting. 

As an observer, this is what I think happened during table group time. Each committee member was given 4 academic options to review in a packet (visitors were not given a copy of the packet) , then they were asked to write their comments on sticky notes on the academic option page and return the packet. They then reconvened at the big table and electronically voted on the academic options in the original original packet. Sticky notes from each person were not shared with the group. Voting questions were also not shared with visitors. When a URL didn't work for voting, instead of projecting a new URL onto the big screen for members (which was done for the test survey earlier), admin printed new pieces of paper with URLs to hand to members. I believe this was so that visitors could not look at the survey being given.

The subcommittee voted on which aspects of middle school they believe to be the most important. These are the results of that vote.

From this voting we can see that the subcommittee values Growth Mindset most and Academics least out of these 5 considerations. 

After this voting, members were asked what they thought of this result. One member thought that Equity would have been highest and thought Growth Mindset would be lower. Another member thought that by putting Academics and Graduation Requirements lowest the subcommittee was showing they cared about the whole child.

The Academic Subcommittee's Academic Model Recommendations were then voted on and ranked in order of preference by weighted voting by the members and will be forwarded to the Middle School Grade Reconfiguration Task Force. (One subcommittee member thought the packet had been written in a biased way and asked to rewrite it on sticky notes. I do not know if the task force and school board will get the original or the version rewritten by committee members today.) Members were not allowed to keep copies of the packet and were specifically told they could not take photographs of the packet or of their own notes on it. 

Options 1-3 has combined all Heterogeneous classroom models into one option. This is not 3 models all added together. This is one model voted on by members. 

Option 4: Self Select challenge in grades 6-8

Option 5: Heterogeneous classrooms for grade 6, self select challenge for grades 7 & 8

Option 6: Heterogeneous Challenge for all with opt out option

From this chart we can see that members voted to recommend the Heterogeneous Classroom model for grades 6-8 to the Task Force.

A follow up email came from the Admins regarding this meeting.

I'm providing some talking points for you should staff or community members ask about our process today - for your use as you need.

1)  As a result of meetings with Save Our Challenge, NSEA, and district administrators, and then the March 8th School Board Study Session, the sub-committee was given four academic course options for consideration.  Two were options the Academic sub-committee developed, and two were developed as a result of these meetings. 

2)  The school board asked the Academic Sub-committee to prepare multiple options, and not a single recommendation.  The board asked for a listing of the pros/cons, or opportunities/impacts, of each of the options.  They also asked for the sub-committee's level of support for each of the options.  

3)  Today, the sub-committee reviewed the draft Academic Course Options and provided feedback which will be reviewed and incorporated into a future draft as applicable.  

4)  The Academic Sub-Commttee indicated their level of support for each of the options by dividing 100 points among the four options based on its ability to provide for a particular consideration:  Academic, Equity, Growth Mindset, Social/Emotional, and Graduation Requirement Readiness.  

5)  This information will be presented to the Middle School Task Force at their April 18th meeting.  

6)  The school board will receive the Middle School Task Force's recommendation at their April 26th meeting.

Once again, thank you so much for your time, perseverance, and service to the students of the Northshore School District.

When we asked for clarification on what each model was, we received this response.

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